DOME 4.0
The Digital Open Marketplace Ecosystem (DOME) 4.0 offers an industrial data marketplace ecosystem based on Open Science and Open Innovation principles to enable sharing of business-to-business (B2B) data and creation of new or enhanced products, processes and services.
DOME 4.0 will be open to all providers, as well as users of data, and aims to facilitate maximum knowledge extraction with the help of ontology-based semantic data interoperability and modern data processing technologies.
DOME 4.0 intends to offer an intelligent semantic industrial data ecosystem for knowledge creation across the entire materials to manufacturing value chains. The ecosystem provides a sustainable solution to the information silos problem related to the past efforts and puts forward a formal, ontology-based documentation for open and confidential data spaces applicable to future and current projects thereby delivering added value. Furthermore, the flexibility of the proposed semantic architecture of DOME 4.0 naturally adapts to the emerging Industry Commons developments and the scale-up of the ecosystem to large amounts of data, tools and services applicable to wider sectors of the European economy.
The unique offerings of DOME 4.0 are twofold: Primarily to instigate wider market impact, stakeholder adoption and engagement (onboarding), while aggregating a critical mass community in the DOME 4.0 ecosystem than the individual-encompassed marketplaces/showcases could not achieve alone. In parallel, novel business models cross cutting the individual marketplaces complemented with transparent and fair compensation schemes will augment the operations and effectiveness by adding value to the individual marketplaces, data repositories and platforms.

CMCL's Contribution
CMCL’s showcase entails use of The World Avatar’s chemistry knowledge graph (KG) and provides a consistent framework to store, access and interpret vastly growing chemical data, marine emissions data, location data and air quality data, in an intelligent manner using the DOME 4.0 ecosystem. CMCL will establish semantic interoperability between a variety of data sources (ship location/positioning databases, marine nanoparticle emissions software, air quality – dispersion modelling software, data-based surrogate model generation software). To achieve this interoperability across multiple domains CMCL will employ and extend its existing ontologies (Ontokin); its detailed (mesoscopic and continuum) emissions prediction software, kinetics; its data-based model development toolkit, MoDS. Through the course of the 4-year project, CMCL will develop web-based software agents to work on the data from multiple sources.
For example, an automated service to identify best quantum chemistry data from existing marketplaces or databases will be developed to feed the thermodynamic quantities for gas phase species that are used in emissions prediction models. The dispersion models will in turn utilise this information to provide localised air quality measures, in particular the particulates in terms of mass and number concentration. The following metrics will be tracked: 1) The integrated MoDS-kinetics software and CMCL’s chemistry KG can offer a new product for predicting regional air quality. 2) Using the temporal KG, improved decision making for the development of new marine powertrains will be assessed. 3) Data transactions from multiple sources via DOME 4.0 will be leveraged to reduce development costs of marine manufacturing technologies. 4) Applicability of the developed infrastructure to nanoparticles manufacturing (carbon black, silicon, zinc oxide, etc.).
There is also a live demo available, through the link below.
Expected Findings
The key aim of DOME 4.0 is to deliver a multi-sided, secure marketplace ecosystem open to everyone, which facilitates B2B data transactions and enables data users/consumers, data owners/providers and digital service providers to trigger data-based innovation and create new or improved products, processes and services. DOME 4.0 also aims to transform data into knowledge and intelligence assets, while ensuring that the sovereignty, security and provenance of the industrial data are managed optimally.
DOME 4.0 will be expected to produce guidance on aspects of data provenance capture, its associated spatial and temporal costs, and granularity. The adoption of widely agreed standardised data documentation for semantic interoperability using consensual ontology and taxonomy-based data representations in close cooperation with NMBP-39-2020-CSA and related initiatives is anticipated to yield a consistent information system that can be adopted by third parties. DOME 4.0’s focus on detailed business process models entails a) the technical aspects of the ecosystem including its running and maintenance and b) the transaction experience with its customers (data providers, data consumers and service providers). Thus, one anticipated result will be the business model for the sustainability of the open marketplace ecosystem beyond the funding period.