SimDOME Final Review Meeting
The final review meeting of the EU Horizon 2020 project SimDOME, that focused on developing a semantic Open Simulation Platform (OSP) for materials modelling, was held on 16 January 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.
This meeting culminated in the development of a semantic OSP for materials modelling following four years of extensive collaborative research and innovation into the OSP core, components and the four industrial materials user cases. Latest progress and final releases of the platform and its components were covered in the meeting, along with deliverables, milestones and discussions on dissemination, communication, exploitation and innovation management activities in the project.
CMCL contributed to the development of the platform and its components, along with Ontology engineering and introduction of two industrial user cases in nanoparticle synthesis and aftertreatment devices.
At CMCL, we take this opportunity to thank all of our collaborators in the project, including University of Bologna, Umicore, NIREOS, Politechnino di Torino, Politechnico di Milano and Fraunhofer.