Industrial Engagement Open Day and Hackathon

On 10-12 October 2023, the second public Industrial Engagement Open Day and Hackathon of the Digital Open Marketplace Ecosystem (DOME) 4.0 project was held at Simcenter premises in Leuven, BE.
Invited speakers from large and small industries across Europe presented their views, success stories and pain points on how to enable data interoperability and data sharing at the Industrial Engagement Open Day event, which concluded with lively discussions over a panel Q&A.
The second hackathon’s theme was “onboarding”, in which the latest state of the DOME 4.0 platform along with technical advancements on enabling onboarding of data providers, data consumers and data service providers to the platform were presented to the participants via presentations and interactive sessions covering nine B2B showcases in the project. Two fully dedicated hack sessions were also included in the agenda, in which the participants were provided hands-on experience of developing platform connectors. This event particularly enjoyed participation from graduate students in material science and engineering, and we hope to have contributed to the training of next generation of scientists and engineers in the field.
As a special part of the Hackathon, the innovation Centre in Digital Molecular Technologies (iDMT) was also onboarded to the DOME 4.0 platform as its first external participant during one of the hands-on hack sessions.
This event and onboarding experience of the first external participant to the platform marked a milestone in the project, showcasing the progress of the research platform. We are excited to see such developments and look forward to continue working with the partners to make the project a success.
Massive thanks, firstly to our partner the Siemens Digital Industries Software for smooth organisation and hosting the event, to all partners and invited speakers for their insights and to all participants of the event for their contributions. We are already looking forward to meeting all of you in the third (and the final) hackathon supported by the project in 2024.