
Explore the latest events attended/hosted by the CMCL team.

DOME 4.0 3rd Hackathon

The event contained discussions surrounding the work across data interoperability, semantics and ontologies, building up to live hacks where participants were introduced to the ecosystem.

Dr Chung Ting Lao delivered talks and two technical hacks on use cases, including a virtual sensor system for air quality, and another on self-driving labs. Chung leads our technical work in DOME 4.0, and has been instrumental to the delivery of the platform and the use case, working in collaboration with the core partners.

Dr Bijan Yadollahi led the discussions on the sustainability and business architecture aspects of DOME 4.0, fostering an open atmosphere enabling contributions from all participants.

Many thanks to our speakers:
– Dr Iker Esnaola-Gonzalez from BASF Digital Solutions
– Christoph Mertens from the IDSA
– Kate Lin from Google Research

Dr Amit Bhave, project coordinator, had a great time moderating the three keynotes and summarised the advancement of the DOME platform and the 9 B2B showcases. Insights into the latest breakthroughs in industry were invaluable to the consortium, and catalysed many fruitful discussions.

Many thanks to the team at UCL for hosting us at their East Campus.

DAFNI Conference 2024

Oisín Peppard recently represented CMCL at the STFC DAFNI Conference 2024, where we are proud that the CReDo project was mentioned.

Aligning well with the project, the three themes for the conference this year were:
– Modelling for Resilient Infrastructure
– Challenges and Opportunities in Data Sharing
– The Impact of Digital Twins

Many thanks to the organisers, and to Aston University.

Science in the age of AI

Toby Greenwood (CMCL) and Dr Jiaru Bai (UoC) represented The World Avatar™ at the Royal Society on the 28th May. The event was held to celebrate the release of the recent ‘Science in the age of AI’ report, and a range of organisations, government departments, and people with an interest in novel applications of AI attended.

The report can be read here and covers a range of contentious topics with input from a diverse group of experts.

OntoTrans Month 48

OntoTrans, a EU Horizon 2020 project is reaching its final concluding months, where years of intense work comes to fruition. Month 48 consortium meeting of the project was held on 19-20 March 2024 in Freiburg, Germany, to mark this milestone, and to discuss the status of the technical development in the project along with the execution of industrial challenges (Apps) in the project, and to lay out plans for the exploitation activities in the remaining time of the project.

As a part of the event, CMCL presented the progress on the Steel Section Mill user case in collaboration with ArcelorMittal to realise key objectives namely time-to-market, digitalisation and decarbonisation via introduction of its advanced digital workflow to gain more insight into the relationship between mechanical properties of steel beams and the underlying process parameters. Through a live demo, the integration between the execution of the user case and the OntoTrans Open Translation Environment was demonstrated. Further updates regarding the tools developed to enable semantic interoperability in this user case were also presented. Such demonstrations help showcase the benefits of the OntoTrans platform for the end users and provide an example of how the proposed approach in Industrial Translation can help tackle real-world industrial challenges.

It’s great to be part of the OntoTrans team, and see the progression of the system Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) as a result of the collaboration.

Connected Places Summit 2024

Toby Greenwood represented CMCL at the Connected Places Summit 2024, run by Connected Places Catapult. It was fantastic to see so many familiar faces, and equally exciting to make new connections.

A diverse range of industries were present, and plenty of cross-sector discussions were had! These reaffirmed the value of The World Avatar‘s interoperable and agnostic approach.

The CReDo project was well represented, where the direction of the project and exciting upcoming developments were showcased.

A huge thank you to the events/comms team at CPC for continuing to organise and deliver top quality events. They continue to be invaluable spaces to network and connect.

European R&I Days 2024

As a part of the Research and Innovation Week, the 2024 edition of the European Research and Innovation Days was held on 20-21 March 2024 at Tour and Taxis in Brussels. The flagship event gathered researchers, policymakers, industrial representatives and the general public to discuss the status of the Research and Innovation in the continent.

We are happy to have had the opportunity to join delegates and stakeholders from across Europe, to discuss our contributions to the Research and Innovation through our engagement in the Collaborative research initiatives.

In particular, our collaborative research efforts in digitalisation and decarbonisation fields, including the coordination of the actvities in the Digital Open Marketplace Ecosystem (DOME) 4.0 and providing the technical knowledge graph based framework for the Climate Resilience Demonstrator CReDo project were discussed with the delegates, emphasising on the importance of the data FAIRness (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability) and sharing, as well as the climate resilience in a greener, fairer and more competitive Europe.

At CMCL, we are keen to collaborate towards accelerating Research and Innovation to help build a greener, fairer, and more competitive future. Engage with us to know more about CMCL’s digitalisation and decarbonisation solutions to realise such a future.

Digital Twins Cities Conference

We are pleased to announce that our CEO, Dr Amit Bhave, will be attending the Digital Twins Cities Conference in Gothenburg on the 28th November and delivering a Keynote Speech: Connecting digital twins for a shared understanding, Powered by The World Avatar™:

‘In the world of digital twins, overcoming data silos, cross-domain accountability, and interoperability hurdles is crucial. Amit will dive into these challenges and unveil the latest developments and use cases in enabling semantic interoperability across sectors, powered by The World Avatar™ approach’.

National Grid ESO Markets Forum

It was great to have attended the National Grid ESO Markets Forum event on the 8th November. Seeing the progress that has been made, and the ambitious targets for the energy system in the years to come really highlighted the need for innovation and transformation across the industry.

CMCL believe that the transformative power of data is unlocked through cross-sector interoperability and collaboration, and we are following the development of a Future Systems Operator (FSO) with great interest.